Standard marriage service script

This page contains the standard marriage service offered to couples getting married at the Victorian Marriage Registry

You can also download a copy of the Standard marriage ceremony service.

Marriage party entry (optional)

If one or both parties are being presented by a family member or friend.


Who brings this woman/man/person to be married to this woman/man/person?

Family member / friend:

I do.



Welcome family and friends.

We have come together today to witness the promises in marriage of [Bride/Groom/Partner's full legal name] and [Bride/Groom/Partner full legal name].

This commitment is between two people who love each other and wish to share each other’s lives, who will grow and change in the years to come, welcoming each other’s growth with mutual love and respect.


This ceremony gives social recognition to a union that has already taken place in the hearts of [Bride/Groom/Partner's full legal name] and [Bride/Groom/Partner's full legal name]).

My name is [Celebrant’s full name] and I am duly authorised by law to solemnise marriages according to law and to officiate at your marriage today. I take this opportunity to wish you both much happiness in your future lives together.



[Bride/Groom/Partner's name] and [Bride/Groom/Partner's name], do you declare before me and before your witnesses here present, that you come here voluntarily and without reservation and that you are free by law to be married to each other today?

Couple respond:

Yes, I do.

Monitum from the Marriage Act


Before you are joined in marriage in my presence and in the presence of these witnesses, I am to remind you of the solemn and binding nature of the relationship into which you are now about to enter.

Marriage, according to the law in Australia, is the union of two people to the exclusion of all others, voluntarily entered into for life.

Reading (optional)

Choose a reading of your own if you prefer. You can ask a family member or friend to recite the reading.


The couple, one at a time, repeat the vows after the Celebrant:

Bride/Groom/Partner (repeating after Celebrant): I call upon the people here present to witness that I [Bride/Groom/Partner's name], take you [Bride/Groom/Partner's name] to be my lawful wedded husband/wife/spouse. I promise to love you, to care for you and to respect you for all of my life.

Bride/Groom/Partner (repeating after Celebrant): I call upon the people here present to witness that I [Bride/Groom/Partner's name], take you [Bride/Groom/Partner's name] to be my lawful wedded husband/wife/spouse. I promise to love you, to care for you and to respect you for all of my life.

Ring Ceremony (optional)


[Bride/Groom/Partner's name] and [Bride/Groom/Partner's name] have chosen to exchange rings as an outward symbol of their commitment to each other. The band of the wedding ring represents everlasting love, the ring a never-ending circle with no beginning and no end.

The couple, one at a time, repeat after the Celebrant:

[Bride/Groom/Partner's name], accept this ring with all my love.

Conclusion of Ceremony


Ladies and gentlemen, (and children) / Family and friends, [Bride/Groom/Partner's name] and [Bride/Groom/Partner's name] have declared before all of us that they now wish to live and love together in marriage.

Let us hope this day will form a milestone in your lives, one that you will look back upon with much joy and happiness. It therefore gives me great pleasure to pronounce you husband and wife.

Congratulations, you may now both kiss, if you wish.

Signing of Marriage Certificates

Couple sign first, then Witnesses and then celebrant.

Presentation of Marriage Certificate


Ladies and gentlemen, family and friends, on behalf of the Victorian Marriage Registry and the couple, thank you all for coming here today to celebrate with [Bride/Groom/Partner's name] and [Bride/Groom/Partner's name] on their Wedding Day and for making their day so special.

Congratulations again to [Bride/Groom/Partner's name] and [Bride/Groom/Partner's name].
