Search your family history

Records of births, marriages and deaths can provide unique insight into your family history and identity.

Your search will be quickest if you narrow it down as much as possible. Wide searches are unlikely to get results and may cause your session to time out. For search tips, refer to Search criteria below.

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or read the tips below before you start.

Ask a Family History expert

Need help? Our genealogy experts can help with your search or do it for you.

Generally, fees start at $61.60, depending how many people you want us to search for. Each package includes at least one certificate image.

Learn more about inclusions and fees for Ask a Family History expert.

To Ask an Expert:

Our genealogy experts will contact you within a week to discuss.

Alternatively, you can try your own search above.

Not all records are available for searching

Records are restricted for between 30 and 100 years, depending on the life event. Family history search lets you search for records that fall outside this period. Refer to Periods of restriction.

The restriction is from the date the event was registered. This may not be the same as the date of the event.

If you're looking for a record inside the restriction period, go to Get a birth certificate, Get a marriage certificate or Get a death certificate.

Death records are kept secure for 30 years. If you’re looking for a friend or family member who recently died, it won’t be available here. You may be able to access it if you’re next of kin: refer to Get a death certificate.

1. Choose a search index

Choose the index you want to search by selecting 'Historical' or 'Events at sea'.

2. Search criteria

Enter your search criteria and click search. We recommend:

  • Using a first and last name, if possible
  • Entering a 5-year timeframe. This allows for differences between event registration and year of event
  • Keeping the timeframe narrow (e.g. around 5 years). A wide timeframe may make your results slow to come back or not work at all. You can refine the range if your first search gets no results.

3. View record summary

Click on an entry to see the summary for that record. You can access the full record, if you choose to, after payment.

4. Buy the record

You'll be given two options at the bottom of the record screen. To buy, click 'add to cart' and 'checkout' to proceed with payment.

Historical records, purposes and prices
Uncertified historical certificate (a scanned image of a certificate)

This isn't valid for official purposes. You're simply buying a scanned image of an official record.

If you buy an uncertified image, you can download it immediately.

Historical certificateThis is valid for official purposes. If you choose to buy, you'll be prompted to fill in your details. We will post the certificate to you.$55.80

5. Download an image

Once you've bought an image, we will email you a link and you can download it straight away.

Each image is a scan of the original – often handwritten – record. Over time, some have faded or suffered damage, and may not be easy to read. We've tried hard to capture the best possible image of each record.

Download your image within 30 days of purchase.

If you have trouble downloading it, check your computer and browser firewalls and security settings. Then try again.

Ask a Family History expert – Inclusions and fees

Fees for 'Ask an Expert' services
Number of recordsFeeInclusions
1 record$61.60
  • Search fee
  • 1 unofficial certificate image
2-5 records$102.70
  • Search fee
  • 1 unofficial certificate image
  • A special rate of $15 each for additional certificate images
6-10 records$143.70
  • Search fee
  • 2 unofficial certificate images
  • A special rate of $15 each for additional certificate images

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