Based on feedback, we’re working to improve our online system. This means a planned outage on 02 April 2025, from 5.00 pm to 8.30 pm. Our online services will not be available during this time.

Get a birth certificate - Information for young people

This page is for young people under 18 years. Its purpose is to help you find out what you need to know about getting a birth certificate.

This page is for young people under 18 years.

Its purpose is to help you find out what you need to know about getting a birth certificate.


If you need help:

Your certificate

Victorian Birth Certificate

Your birth certificate is an important document.

You might need your birth certificate to enrol in school or apply for a driver licence.

Anyone can apply for their own birth certificate.

You can apply for your birth certificate:

There are 4 steps you will need to complete to get your birth certificate.

1. Apply

You can fill in an online form or we can give you a paper application form.

The form will ask where you were born and your parent(s)’ names.

If you apply online, you’ll need an email address.

There are some questions you must fill in if you apply online. This means that you might not be able to apply online if you don’t know all the information.

If you need a paper form, call 132 842.

2. Prove your identity

You’ll need to prove who you are by providing BDM with your identity documents. This is so we can make sure we are giving your certificate to the right person.

Examples of identity documents include:

  • Driver licence or learner permit
  • Medicare card
  • School identity card
  • Immunisation records
  • Passport.

Find out about identity documents you can use.

If you don’t have identity documents, please contact us. There may be other documents that you can use.

3. Pay for the certificate

You will need to pay for your certificate.

For online applications, we accept credit/debit card or BPAY.

For paper applications, we accept cheque and money order.

If you need help paying for your certificate, we may be able to help you. For example, this might be if:

  • You are in out-of-home care
  • You or your parent/guardian are experiencing financial hardship, or
  • You are experiencing homelessness.

If you’re experiencing hardship, you can ask us not to charge the fee for certain certificates or registrations. This is called a fee waiver. Find out about BDM’s Financial hardship and fee waiver.

You can contact us for more information.

4. Delivery times

This process takes time.

We’ll post your certificate to the address you put in your application.

Check our current processing times if you want to know more.

Download the fact sheets

Fact sheet: Get a birth certificate - information for young people
Word 648.91 KB
(opens in a new window)
Fact sheet: Get a birth certificate – Information for young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people
Word 636.62 KB
(opens in a new window)
