The Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages Victoria (BDM) treats the privacy of personal data very seriously.
However, the law allows BDM to share information when necessary to promote the wellbeing or safety of Victorian children.
About the Child Information Sharing Scheme
The Child Information Sharing Scheme came into effect in 2018. It operates under:
- The Child Wellbeing and Safety Act 2005 (the Act)
- The Child Wellbeing and Safety (Information Sharing) Regulations 2018 (the Regulations).
The Act and Regulations permit some organisations to share confidential information. They permit it where it is to promote the wellbeing or safety of Victorian children.
In some cases, sharing this information is legally required.
The Act refers to these organisations as "Information Sharing Entities". The Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages is included under the Act.
Agencies that share information must do so appropriately, safely and responsibly.
Learn more about the Child Information Sharing Scheme(opens in a new window)
Make a request
This information is for Information Sharing Entities (ISEs) under Victorian law.
If you are a prescribed ISE, you should:
1. Consider alternatives
Is your request for BDM information already permitted under another law?
If yes: use the procedures under that law.
If no: you may request information sharing under the Act.
2. Request information sharing under the Act
If you are an ISE, to apply:
- Fill out a Child Information Sharing Scheme request for information form
- Email the completed form to in a new window)
- Mark the urgency of your request as high, medium or low in the email
Learn more about the types of information BDM holds.
BDM will try to respond within five business days. However, it may take longer in periods of high demand or if the request is complex. We will contact you if we need further information.
Privacy enquiries and complaints
BDM’s Privacy Policy explains how BDM handles personal and health information.
Who can make a Privacy complaint
You may lodge a privacy complaint if:
- the Registrar has shared information about you or your child, and
- it is not relevant to the purpose for which it was shared.
Other ISEs
An ISE may make a complaint about:
- the Registrar refusing to share relevant information that should be shared, or
- the timeliness of responses.
How to make a complaint
All complaints must be in writing.
A complaint should include:
- your name
- for individuals – your given name and family name (surname)
- for ISEs – your organisation name and contact person
- details of the complaint
- a return email or mail address
- phone number.
Where to submit a complaint
Complaints may be:
- emailed to in a new window)
mailed to:
Attention: Child Information Sharing Scheme team
Registry of Births, Deaths and Marriages
GPO Box 4332
Responding to feedback and complaints
BDM will respond to all feedback (with the exceptions below). BDM will:
- forward complaints to the Child Information Sharing Scheme team
- record, action and respond to complaints.
In responding, BDM will:
- consider and respond to all aspects of the complaint
- try to achieve a fair and reasonable outcome
- advise the complainant in writing of the outcome.
BDM may choose not to respond to complaints that are:
- anonymous
- abusive or threatening
- the same as (or very similar to) one that BDM has already managed and investigated, and BDM has exhausted all reasonable options to resolve it
- not needing a response.
BDM will respond to written complaints under the Child Information Sharing Scheme. The following timeframes will apply:
Type of matter | BDM action | Timeframe (from receipt) |
Standard matters | Respond | 20 working days |
Matters requiring:
| Notify the complainant in writing of the revised time frame | 20 working days |
Recording and tracking complaints
BDM will record all matters about the complaint in the department’s records management system.
Information privacy protection
BDM may need to collect personal information so that we can respond to, review and monitor complaints. We will manage this information in accordance with the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014. Read more about BDM’s privacy policy.
Team members will have access to complaint information only if they need it. They may need access so that they can respond to, review or report on complaints.